Wine Investment Guide

We recommend the following parameters to help guide our clients’ wine investment decisions:


  • Price: The fine wine market is increasingly transparent, with market prices and trends accessible online through Liv-Ex and other market intelligence and trading platforms. Yet even with the increased attention from many observers worldwide, there are still opportunities to capitalize on undervalued high-caliber wines. Prices can change rapidly. With the help of THE WINE INVESTORS advanced data tracking and analysis tools, our clients receive the best possible competitive advantages in assessing when it is the right time to buy, and attaining the most competitive purchase price.
  • Provenance: Ensuring authenticity of fine wines is of the utmost importance for wine investors, and our team works to verify the provenance of every bottle of wine we purchase on behalf of our clients. By identifying and confirming the record of all known prior owners and locations for each bottle and case of wine, we give our clients the confidence of knowing that they are purchasing wines which are exactly what the label claims to be. With our extensive connections in Bordeaux and relationships with wine merchants in other exclusive wine regions, we often purchase wines that come directly from the chateaux.
  • Condition: Investment grade wine is sold in absolutely perfect condition, with careful attention paid to the storage environment. THE WINE INVESTORS only deals with OWCs (original wooden cases) to ensure the utmost quality. We only work with reliable, experienced, reputable wine merchants who know how to properly stock and care for investment grade wines. Our clients can rest assured that they will only be purchasing wines of the highest quality, in flawless condition.
  • Diversification: Just as investors ought to spread their risk around by purchasing multiple asset classes (stocks, bonds, cash, commodities, etc.), THE WINE INVESTORS helps our clients diversify their exposure to the fine wine industry by investing in various labels, regions and provenances. We draw upon our research and industry expertise to assemble a customized wine investment portfolio for each client, based upon the client’s individual investment goals, preferences, and style of investing.


Why Invest in Wine?

В последние годы, мировые фондовые рынки были в смятении. Доходность облигаций часто плоским. Фонды денежного рынка едва идти в ногу с инфляцией. Почти в каждой стране на Земле страдает той или иной уровень финансового кризиса, валютный кризис, Кризис государственного долга, бюст недвижимости, или другие экономические проблемы. Где инвестор должен обратиться в поисках более высоких урожаев?

В то время как нет такой вещи, как "риск бесплатно" инвестиций, и цены на вино могут пойти вниз, а также вверх, по большей части мировой прекрасно рынок вина наблюдался стабильный, растущий спрос на даже самых высоких оцененных вин инвестиционного уровня. Wine investing predominantly attracts an exclusive demographic of affluent, sophisticated investors who are largely immune from the difficulties affecting the rest of the financial system.

Инвестиционный уровень вино является престижным символом статуса, что выходит за границы языка, национальности и культуры. Как развивающиеся экономики, такие как Китай, Индия и Бразилия продолжают свое стратосферного рост, ожидается, что недавно состоятельные инвесторы и высокие лица Собственный капитал от этих и других стран будут продолжать добавлять к спросу на самых востребованных вин инвестиционного уровня мировых.

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